Monday, November 09, 2015

New iPhone Font

So I updated my iPhone a couple of weeks ago, and while I can't really figure out how to play music and podcasts (half joking), I have to tell you what I totally and absolutely love about it.  The new font.

As it finished updating, I turned to my husband and asked him to admire the new font.  While this is normally something he would appreciate, he was surprisingly calm about it.  I think he's jealous that he doesn't have an iPhone and the beautiful new font to accompany it (but this will change as he will receive a work iPhone shortly).  Anyway, I thought I would tell you all that this nice font makes my life better because I notice it about every three minutes, when I check my phone, and I'm still not used to it.  I think the numbers are the very prettiest.

Since I'm here, I'll tell you the other things that are new.

First, we got an email on Thursday that there is LICE in the kindergarten (they won't say which class because they don't want the child to be identified and heckled).  So Lizzie wears her hair in little buns and looks absolutely adorable and has to have lice checks every couple of days.  She has worked it so that she gets candy while she gets lice checked.  I realize that I have to get over my lice-phobia.  I had lice when I was a kid, I know that nice people get it.  But OMG the idea of having bugs crawling in one's hair is just revolting to me.  (And now my head is itchy.)

Second, I'm going to Paris in a few days!  To spend a longish weekend with Hanh who has to be there for work.  I am excited except that I don't have a chic winter coat here (they are all in Seattle, where I have no need at all to be chic, sorry Seattle) and that is a real bummer.  Same goes for boots.

Third, I have spent the last couple of weeks reading the prequels and sequel to Lonesome Dove (one of my favorite books ever) and so far they all suck.  So don't spend your time doing that.

Fourth, I finally learned how to make stir fry well.  And now you know what a truly crappy cook I am.  Because stir fry is pretty easy.

Over and out.

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