Monday, November 16, 2015

Paris and hair cuts

Hello my sweet friends.  My trip to Paris is scheduled for this coming weekend, and it looks unlikely that I will go.  Thank you so much to all of you who emailed me to make sure I was safe, and I'm sorry I didn't update the blog sooner.  I am a-okay, but very sad for all those who are not.

On a lighter note, we have had some haircuts around here and they are cute.  Lulu was adamant that she wanted hair that "swoops over one eye" and when I asked who has hair like that she said, "a little bit you do" which is the most flattering thing ever of course.  When she's 15 and we're fighting about her hair, I'm going to remind her that when she was five-nearly-six, she wanted hair like me.

Tommy had to get short hair because of the lice scare, and I think he just looks so cute but he hates it so we have agreed he can grow it longer.  But I just think he is adorable.

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