Wednesday, April 28, 2010

A big day

FIRST, Lizzie rolled over today! And not just a boring front-to-back roll -- a back-to-front roll! I have no idea if it was a fluke, but she was very proud of herself after I noticed that she had done it (oh, my poor second baby) and made a big deal of it. She also slept a seven hour stretch last night which meant of course that Eli and I were worried about her and couldn't sleep.

Tommy got a helmet today and wears it most of the time. Here he is with his friend Angus riding scooters (or scooting as we call it here). You'll know which one is Tommy by the color of his scooter:

A little girl in the garden had a princess bike and helmet and the boys, neither of whom had ridden a bike before (just tricycles), pretty much stole the bike and took turns riding and chasing each other on it. I think a bike is in Tommy's near future. But I'm thinking NOT a princess bike.

In other news, I met up with one of the moms I met a while ago at the playground again and I liked her as much as I did last time. (She's the one that works three days per week and can share her nanny with me.) I also met a mom of one of Tommy's preschool classmates. She's also American and has been here for a year and lives in Fulham. She has a three and a half month old baby and a bigger girl. I have no idea what the girl's name is. Tommy told me she's called "Diamond" but this woman seemed to have a fair amount of taste so I'm doubting that's true. Tommy had another good day at preschool. They baked something but I have no idea what because he wouldn't share it with me. But it was sort of nice to see his fingernails all flour-y instead of packed with dirt.

Tomorrow we're showing Angus (and his mom and little sister) the digger playground. I hope they like it -- but Angus is a pretty easy-going little guy. He most often says, "oh, yeah!" and it's particularly cute in his Aussie accent.

One more thing, and I'm very sorry for how jumbled these posts are, I really am a better writer than this, I swear: I couldn't get Tommy's red face paint off all the way last night, so he looks, as Eli described it, like he used self-tanner. And when we were on the bus to preschool, a woman actually asked me about it. "He has a tan?" "No, that's just left over facepaint." We had a miscommunication later in the conversation when I pointed out a ladybug on her handbag to Tommy and told her that he loves ladybugs, and she said, "oh, goodness, you'll have your hands full." So I think she thought I said he loves ladies...

1 comment:

  1. The smile on Lizzie's face says it all. My guess... she'll be crawling very soon and walking before she turns one... she's watching her big brother and learning lots. Thanks so much for the photos and newsy post.
