Friday, April 30, 2010

We've had spotty or no internet access for the past two days, which is why I have not posted. I know you have all been dying to know which playgrounds we have gone to and what we've had for lunch and I am so sorry for what must feel like unbearable suspense.

Yesterday we had a nice day, although getting out of the apartment was rough. Tommy loves the sinks in the bathrooms here because he can reach the taps without a stool, and he got a hand towel soaking wet and then carried in down the long hallway to tell me that it was wet. By the time I realized what was going on, we had a mini lake in the apartment. I just kept telling myself to be thankful that it was just water and get over it, but can I just complain for a second that sometimes it seems that all I do is clean up messes?? Anyway, then we left and went to the digger park with Julie, Angus and Heidi. Angus doesn't like to ride in the buggy anymore (he'll be three in July) and he is not great about stopping for streets so by the time we got there Julie felt sort of worn out, I think. I regret to tell my readers that Tommy thought Angus's manner of running down the street was GREAT and started to copy him on the way home. Luckily, I have that board thing on the buggy and I am still strong enough to put Tommy on it and make him stay. (I am much meaner than Julie.) So I don't think his life is in danger. Another 10 pounds on him, though, and we might have a situation unless I start lifting weights soon. The park was fun and I enjoyed having an adult to chat with while the kids played. After naps yesterday, we played in the garden with Emma for a bit before dinner.

Today we went to Holland Park which has an enormous sand pit. We went with Karalee and Emma, so again, I had a nice time chatting with an adult. We saw one of those mini-diggers digging on the way into the park and convinced Emma and Karalee to watch it for a few minutes although Emma was a bit scared of it. On the way out of the park, we actually stopped and had our snack right next to it. (I introduced rice cakes to Tommy and they have been a big hit.) We did have a moment at the playground after he dumped a shovel of sand onto a BABY -- at most 12 months and sand coming down her face. The mom was very nice about it but it was embarrassing! So then I took the shovel away and he had a total meltdown. So I told him we can never go back to that playground again. It is not always clear which one of us is the three year old. Or wouldn't be if you read a transcript of our conversations. (But we have multiple conversations every day about why we can't throw sand and I frankly couldn't muster the strength to have another one.)

Funny things from Tommy (I do not know how you all keep reading, really, how much more boring could this blog be):

While I was emailing this morning -- "Mommy, you wait right here and don't be too curious." (Yes, my kid watches too much Curious George, but it is educational. Also, anybody in the US that can get me Curious George DVDs (the PBS program) or Sid the Science Kid DVDs gets gold stars and my eternal gratitude.)

Yesterday, Tommy found some small batteries, came over to me and said, "Look at these tiny little batteries. They are sooo cute." And I said, "you know what else is cute? you!" And he said, "And worms, too! Worms are adorable."

This morning, Tommy told me, "I want to shoot Lizzie up in the sky!" and before I could even respond, he looked over at me and said, "she wants to be an astronaut."

Here is why we can't leave Tommy alone on the balcony:

And now, for the cutest part of this post:
This is my adorable niece Lexy after her first piano recital. She was stellar, and just look at her little crossed legs and tiny hands and sweet haircut! It's almost too much for me, and I'm just the aunt. If you want to see the recital, and believe me when I say you do want to spend the less-than-thirty seconds, go here:

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