Saturday, April 03, 2010


Welcome to my brand new blog. I'm afraid it may be a bit boring (unless you really really really love children and think three year olds are interesting), but I don't seem to have enough time to keep up on my email and this seemed like a good solution.

We arrived in London on Tuesday. It feels normal to me, and luckily I remembered a couple of playgrounds. Tommy has met kids most days we've been here. Yesterday, we met a woman who lives in Moscow (but speaks English with an American accent) and her 1.5 year old daughter. We also met the nanny, but as she spoke Russian, we didn't chat with her. Tommy played well with the daughter although things got rocky when she wanted his hammer. The hammer is a gift from Ovie, and he adores it (sleeps with it, even). (He also has a hammer from Grandma Sid, but that hammer is now mine when we "fix" things.) He happily shared his saw, tape measure and a screw driver. I consider this significant progress in the sharing department. (Now if we could see some progress with the potty training...)

Afterward, we went to a petting zoo set up in Duke of York Square (right near Sloane Square). Tommy was unimpressed as I had promised chicks and there were none. Just chickens. (And rabbits, llamas or alpacas (are they the same?), ducks, sheep and guinea pigs.) He wanted to run in the middle of a closed field to chase pigeons. We distracted him and he pounded on a bench with his hammer for quite a while, then we went to St. Pancras so I could see it completely finished.

Tommy fell asleep in the tube and when he woke up, he was amazingly grouchy. He even told me he didn't "want any rabbits around here." I guess I can understand why the Easter Bunny concept is a little creepy, but he's never seemed concerned before.

Lizzie is doing well. She is starting to sleep in the pack n play now (yes, that would be instead of in our bed with us). After she does it for a week, she'll start sleep training. Right now, she needs us to put her to sleep and we are tired of it. She is affectionately called "the worst baby on the block" but only because she's so hard to get to sleep. The cutest thing about Lizzie right now is how much she likes her brother.


  1. No, llamas and alpacas are not exactly the same animal, but very close. The llama is larger. And I kind of wonder if alpaca wool is finer because that yarn and woven fabric is super expensive.

    Now, of course, grandparents think 3 year olds and infants are very interesting. Whether we're starved for entertainment, or don't watch enough poor television or what, I don't know, but it's the children news that excites us most.

    Laramie is 26 today, there's snow on the ground from the storm two days ago, and generally it's a typical Laramie Easter, i.e., quite unpleasant.

    How's the house hunt coming?

    Love, Grandma Sid
