Sunday, April 04, 2010

Happy Easter

Tommy was delighted that the Easter Bunny came last night. He had six eggs to find (all chocolate, I'm afraid) and a chocolate bunny and some other smaller candies that he stuffed into his mouth all at once because he was scared I wouldn't let him eat them all. It has been a sugary day for Tommy.

A conversation we had yesterday:
T: I want to play with my cousins.
Me: With Lexy and Millie?
T: Yes. What do they have? A digger?
Me: No, I doubt it.
T: A backhoe?
Me: Probably not.
T: What machines?
Me: I'm not sure. I know they have babydolls.
T: [disappointed look]

Today on the Tube, during a quiet moment: "Does Daddy have a penis?" One of those parenting moments when you're not sure how to react but mostly wonder what in the world made him think of that.

Eli and I decided today to make an offer on the house we looked at on Friday. We went back to the neighborhood, spent some time at the playground that is just blocks away, and now have our hearts a little bit too set on it. As it is not in great condition, we have suggested to the agent that we would do some of the work on it ourselves for a reduced rent, but we have no idea if the property owner will go for it. We walked home on Kings Road and stopped for a snack. Tommy behaved himself reasonably well after we took away his cutlery. We tried to skip the nap and Tommy fell asleep in the stroller around five, which should mess up beditme nicely.

Tommy's new favorite song is "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun" by Cindi Lauper. He also loves "Livin' on a Prayer" by Bon Jovi. It is hilarious to hear him singing them all day long. Both songs are from a CD called "Kidz Bop" which is a bunch of old pop songs sung by kids (or kidz). There's a Wham! song that he likes, too, and I like to tell him how his daddy loved Wham! so much that he cried when they broke up.

Lizzie did a lot of spitting up today. She's also been very chatty. She gets a lot of attention from strangers because she's so quick to smile...

You won't care, but the Russian lady(Sabrina) has two bugaboos -- both the model that is more expensive than ours and neither looks as beat up as ours. Tommy likes one of them a lot because it is red. I like both a lot and wish our buggy (that's what we call it here) looked nicer. An aside to the aside, I'm fairly certain Sabrina has two nannies, too, but I'm far more envious of the buggies.

Finally, I do realize I can include photos here, and will do that soon. The Lulabell is looking different - fatter in the cheeks mostly - and I know none of you have seen her lately...

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