Friday, April 23, 2010

Ho hum...

We're having a nice double nap right now. This week, Lizzie's sleep has become predictable enough that I know she'll go down now.

This morning started badly. We'd just come into the kitchen when Tommy saw me dump the water from his cup and fill the cup with fresh water, and had a full on fit because he wanted the old water. My response was embarrassingly juvenile but you know what? That kid was just looking for something to scream about and I hadn't had any coffee yet. Anyway, we made it through, then had a horrible time getting Lizzie down for her very short morning nap. But while she slept, Tommy and I blew bubbles on the balcony and managed to hit the reset button. He was very good for the rest of the morning. After Lizzie woke up, we went to the drycleaners, post office, grocery store and then to the playground with the diggers. We didn't get there until 11 so Tommy only got to play for an hour. The walk home was great though, because we saw two concrete mixers, one garbage truck, and a cable van with a lift on the top in one block.

Yesterday afternoon, both my friends were in the garden, which was nice. The Australian woman, Julie, has two little kids -- 2.5 and 16 months. The big event yesterday occurred when her 2.5 year old, Angus, fell into the fountain. It was funny and lucky Julie laughed so I could giggle too. Anyway, Julie took all his clothes off then and there and put him in her jacket, so for the rest of the day, Tommy talked about how Angus has a penis. We also had a few more rounds of "how old is ... ?"

The Lula is doing well. She's sleeping horribly at night (what four month old still gets up three times???) but doesn't let that affect her much during the day. She mostly just looks at things and comments in her adorable way. She grabs everything now and can even put her paci in her mouth, but not predictably the right way (usually she ends up chewing on the edge). She likes to read stories before naptime and thinks they're really exciting, this is probably because she can grab them. And, she still looooves her brother and smiles every time he decides to pay attention to her. I will say it is funny to her him say the things to her that I say to her: "It's okay, Liz, I'll feed you in just a minute." He even uses a little high voice.

I hope you all have lovely weekends.

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