Monday, April 26, 2010

I still hate Monday

Last night, I told Eli that I hate Sunday nights, and he slipped and said something like, "but it's no different for you," meaning that my weekdays are the same as my weekends. He realized he was saying something untrue and stupid so he tried to fix it, but it was too late. I knew what he meant BECAUSE I USED TO THINK IT ABOUT STAY AT HOME MOMS, TOO. Let me be clear: it is far, far different to be with your children when your spouse is with you. And the weekends do feel fun and relaxing and different from the weekdays.

Today has been pretty horrible. We ate dinner out last night and put Tommy to bed late. He woke up at six (early), and so he's been a bear. Fits every time he can squeeze one in -- I banished him to his room very early in the day when I told him he couldn't play with my Oyster card (it has a lot of money on it and I don't want to lose it) and he responded by moaning about needing a "blue card" to play with. AAAAAHHHHH. We have a lot of whining and whimpering going on here, my friends. Anyway, we got out of the house around nine and went to Kensington Gardens. We went to the duck pond to kill some time until the playground opened at ten, played for one hour, and came home. I put Tommy down at noon and planned to wake him at one, but of course he fell asleep at 12:45 (with the bedspread pulled over his head so when I checked on him I thought he was not in his bed). So I woke him up at 1:15 and sprinted to preschool with the Lula in the Bjorn and Tommy reclined in the stroller (whimpering). We made it to school just 15 minutes late (though it's not like it matters since he's the only kid arriving for just the afternoon) and he was thrilled to see the tadpoles again. When Miss Tracy informed him that there were even more, he was even happier.

Lizzie and I are back at the apartment and while I would absolutely love to be cleaning, I am instead holding her as she naps. Yes, we are back to this routine.

Hopefully, I will see my other mom friends in the garden today, but it looks as though it could rain. Then where will we be? We will be watching pbs kids television on the computer. Tommy needs more toys but I am just not sure what to get him. (He did get a new bucket and big shovel this weekend and he really loves the shovel in particular. I do too, as I do the heavy lifting when we play in sand and am constantly being asked to move large quantities of it.)


  1. Hang in there. Reinforcements coming soon. Should I bring some trucks when I come?? Love, Mom

  2. How much fun you are to read! Almost like being there. But not really at all. Need more British talk. Miss you so bad.
    Hanh! Married lady! Love it. Good job, Mr. Hanh.
