Tuesday, April 13, 2010


We put an offer on a house and got it. It's a two minute walk from the Parsons Green Tube stop (on the District line for those interested). It has four bedrooms and a (tiny) basement. There are some nicely done rooms and some not as nicely done rooms, but it's spacious (for London) and will be great, especially for having company. Also noteworthy is that there is a washer and a separate dryer. We will also have room for an elliptical trainer which is awesome.
We won't be moving into our new house until mid-June, so please don't plan any trips until then. This is a little bit later than we anticipated, and I shipped quite a lot of our clothes, so we will have to do some shopping I expect. We are also going to go ahead and buy a blender this weekend so that we can resume having smoothies for breakfast. It's a little thing, but it matters.
It's a huge relief to have a house, but our offer was accepted right after we saw a beautiful flat a block from Hyde Park. I know we ought to have a house with outdoor space and enough room for the kids, but man, I wish we could take the flat. It's SO pretty.
Mostly, it's nice that Eli won't have to leave work early to see properties, and it's nice that the kids won't have to miss naps so that we can see properties.


  1. Great news! The place looks gorgeous from the outside and certainly sounds spacious on the inside. Congratulations!

  2. Congratulations on the house! It sounds like you made a good (adult) decision. Can't wait to see it though we will be poor as church mice soon.

    Our agent told us we would receive an offer on our unit today. A Redfin agent showed it yesterday evening. I hope it's a respectable offer. Will keep you posted.

    Hugs and kisses around!
