Monday, April 12, 2010

Quick update

This morning, Tommy, Lizzie and I went to the playground at Kensington Gardens because Tommy acquired some new sand toys and wanted to try them out. He had fun, except that I won't let him play on the huge ship without Eli because there is no good way for me to get on and off of it while holding Lizzie. (Figured this out the hard way.) Anyway, he really loves playing in the sand and I read somewhere that it's a great way for preschoolers to learn about volume, not to mention pouring (Tommy is becoming very good at pouring). In the evening, we played in the garden for a while (mostly using our hammers to bang on the poor trees) and then looked at three flats nearby. Clearly we are not desperate yet, because all three would work and we don't plan to take any of them. I think we'll go back to Fulham and look at a few more houses...None of the lifts today would accommodate the double stroller and without it, I can't run during the day. And while Eli is a saint for walking in the door and letting me leave to run immediately, I realize it's not really a sustainable routine. Re running: this week I plan to run 25 miles and I have already run 13.

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