Thursday, April 08, 2010

A sunny day

Today has been better. Yay. Just one serious issue to contend with: twice today I've gone into Tommy's room to find him standing on the ledge of the storm window. It's absolutely terrifying, and so I've been quite angry both times but the fact that the second incident occurred about five hours after the first makes me believe that he does not care whether I am angry or not. Anyway, this time I just stayed in his room until he fell asleep (oh, and took away his hammer). Then, as I was preparing to leave, Lizzie let out a cry and we started all over again.

It is SUNNY here today. No clouds (well, no grey clouds) and the birds are chirping and I do believe it may be spring in London. And even if it is not, we can be thankful for today, right?

We found another very fun playground this morning (that makes three! ). We also saw some kids that we met at yesterday's very fun playground and little Alex even remembered Tommy. They didn't play together but it was still exciting (considering our current friend count).

Before going to the playground, we viewed another flat. It was sort of basement-ish, but very nicely done. However, the third bedroom was about as big as Tommy's bathroom at our old place and we wouldn't be able to get a double bed in it. So that's a no. We're looking at another place this afternoon.

The grouchy half of Lizzie's split personality is winning today, but luckily, all she wants is for me to hold her all the time. I sent the sling and the moby over on the boat which was very stupid considering how much room those take up. Oh well.

I finished the book Brett and Chinka gave me before we left. I liked it very much and would recommend it to all my blog followers. It's called "A Week in December" by Sebastian Faulks. It's very character-heavy (I'm not sure why he bothered with some of them), but it's set in London and is fun to read.

I forgot to write about our trip to Waitrose yesterday. Waitrose is our grocery store here. It's a nice one -- much nicer than Safeway, maybe not as nice as Whole Foods. I've always wondered whether Waitrose is actually profitable, though, because there are always so many workers. SO many. And not checkers and stockers -- people just sort of wandering around the store (but concentrated in the front). Yesterday after nap, we went out to the garden. It was drizzly all day, and Tommy plays mostly in the dirt (mud). So right from the garden, I put him on the board behind Lizzie, and we went to Waitrose. As we were checking out, he got off the board and made the biggest muddy-floor mess I ever recall seeing, anywhere. And it only took about four seconds. I thought, for a split-second that it couldn't possibly be Tommy's mess, but then looked at the board, also covered in mud. I had no idea what to do - but it was too big to leave. AND THEN the swarm of Waitrose workers descended. I didn't have to do a thing. They took care of it in an instant!

1 comment:

  1. I don't envy you right now. Life will be MUCH better when you have your own place, I think. I remember the store you mentioned but I think I usually had Tommy in his buggy while you were inside. I'll share your muddy mess story with Raymond - or maybe I won't!

    Our condo got listed today and so far we've had 2 nice comments from other owners and 1 nasty one. I'm glad I don't have to clean and declutter anymore.

    Again, I'm enjoying reading about your London adventures. Hugs and kisses to Eli, Tommy, and Lizzie.
