Friday, April 09, 2010

This is a post about Lizzie

These pictures were taken before we left DC, but her parents clearly have a bad case of the second child syndrome, so we can't afford to be picky. Lizzie prefers to have her fingers, my fingers, or a paci in her mouth at all times. Lizzie likes tummy time much better than Tommy did. Lizzie sleeps in her own bed at night now. I thought it would be hard to get her out of ours, mais non! She does not sleep enough, and I think she is overtired, but one of the movers told me there's no such thing as overtired. "It's like overqualified. She's either tired or she's not."

I will briefly touch on some non-Lizzie topics. First, the flat we saw last night was too small. We will see a house tomorrow, but it's in Fulham, not Chelsea. Second, we went back to the playground with the diggers (will post a photo just as soon as I remember the camera) and Tommy had an amazingly huge tantrum when I took away his shovel (spade, here) because he threw sand with it. Another fit before nap, this time because he couldn't take his tools to bed, and I'm contemplating the nap-time cocktail. A little toast to myself for making it through the morning. (Not really.) On the way home we had a long talk about all the things in Virginia (the car and toolbox, NOT Ovie!?) and on the ship (my toys! my stool! my blue bed!) that he misses. It was very sad, and helped me remember that he's going through something that feels hard to him. Though you'd think it would be difficult to forget given how many times per day he tells me he doesn't want to go to London...(And now that we're all feeling badly, I'll tell you that he's woken up, is in a fantastic mood, and has been playing happily and singing for half an hour.)

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