Monday, May 10, 2010

We're solidly in May now, but the weather still feels almost like winter (in the 50s). Still, yesterday and today there's been sun, and we've spent plenty of time outside. Tommy was much better yesterday, and I haven't even started implementing the methods from "Four Weeks to a Better Behaved Child" (because I haven't finished reading it yet). BUT, I have stopped getting angry, and that's of course made me feel better. When I dropped him off at preschool today, the teacher told me that he is very well-behaved there and always listens to the teachers. She explained that they are absolutely consistent, which is why. I am still convinced that parents have a harder time making their kids listen to them than other people, and that it wouldn't matter if I were a Montessori certified teacher and the most consistent person in the world, but maybe I'm just making excuses.

For Mothers Day, Eli took the kids to the park for almost two hours, then I met them for lunch. It was a nice break and when I met up with them we were all happy to see each other again.

Today I finally called a private practice pediatrician to get the damn vaccines for Lizzie, but I didn't get an appointment. Then, another mum in the garden told me that she just showed her passport and three month lease agreement and got vaccines for her kids. So now I'm inspired to give NHS another go. I don't really want the hassle of submitting a claim to our insurance company.

Lizzie either rolled over again this morning, or Tommy rolled her. Not sure which. He is up in her face at any opportunity right now -- I think he's bored with his toys and she gives him good responses most of the time. (I cannot wait for his toys, in case anyone was curious. Cannot wait. I get so much less time with Tommy playing quietly in his room because all his toys are so played out. And I don't want to buy new ones that are just like the ones we already have.)

Today I've decided that we need to get a sandbox for the garden at the new house. Also, I found the best bookshop in London. I really think I did. It's adorable. And so British -- tons of employees, all walking around swiftly with a few books in their hands.

The bad news is that all I hear from work is that there's not much work -- so I don't have any yet.

That's all from London, folks. I'm so boring lately that I won't mind if you decide to stop reading.

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