Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Three things

First, the other day Tommy sat at the table with a crayon and paper and told me he was writing down his observations. He learned this from "Sid the Science Kid" but Eli said it was so cute that I needed to post it on the blog.

Second, I have work!! It's a big research project that will require plenty of time in the next few weeks. So thank goodness Mom is coming because otherwise I'd be scrambling to find a babysitter (probably still will be). Anyway, I had a nice long conversation with the partner last night and it made me feel smart again. (Not sure what that's about but it's true.)

Third, yesterday when I arrived to pick him up at school, Tommy showed me his work. (That's what you call it in Montessori, which is appropriate because it actually is work.) He was using a series of small boxes with three objects each and doing something that was unclear to me. But he was quite excited. He seems less excited about the tadpoles, but if you ask him about them, he tells you that they're fine.

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