Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Grandma Nancy's Gone...

but she left a legacy: a potty-trained boy. He hasn't had an accident in days. I realize I've spent far to much time on this blog writing about the potty-training, but it is hard for me to explain just how life-changing it is.

We finally did something sort of fun with Grandma on Saturday, and went out to Windsor Castle. We had lunch, toured the castle, went to a toy store, and got back on the train. Lizzie slept about seven minutes during the whole trip and Tommy also skipped his nap. Sunday, I worked while the rest of the household went out to the garden. We let Tommy stay up late and watch "Finding Nemo" with us (or, as he calls it, "Fishies That Live In the Ocean"). He was, predictably, terrified at the scary parts and again, I felt like an idiot for not thinking through the viewing selections a bit more carefully. Monday, Eli took Mom and the kids up to St. Pancras while I worked. The afternoon was mellow because Tommy was up at 5:51. I heard him wake up and started to mobilize but still by the time I got into his room, he'd talked Grandma Nancy into turning on the light and playing trucks. He also managed to wake his sister. So that was nice.

The other big news around here is that the Lula started solids and she loooooves them. She eats rice cereal with gusto, and when we tried sweet potato, she was similarly enthusiastic. I am less enthusiastic because her spit up is now orange and I'm worried it will stain everything. She is also working hard on sitting up and can do it for a couple of seconds at a time, though she tips very easily.

Luc had a high temperature last night, so it looks like Tommy did give the chickenpops to another kid. Now let's just hope he didn't give them to his sister...

I promise to post pictures soon. They're still pretty cute.

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