Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Update -- she's got them.

Lizzie has the chickenpox. POOR BABY. I noticed a couple of spots on her face last night and thought she might be sensitive to her new soap. But this morning, she had one on her back, and a few on her head. No fever yet, but she has been asleep for almost two hours which pretty much means she's sick.

Chickenpox have not affected Lizzie's appetite thus far. She scarfed down some rice cereal at lunchtime. She likes to eat -- I have no idea where she gets that from.

1 comment:

  1. Poor Lizzie! But maybe, it's more appropriate to say "Poor Mommy!" because I know who has to take care of a baby who is sick, and it's just not fun. Hopefully, because she's so young, these things won't bother her too much. I'm surprised she contracted the pox, frankly.

    Sorry to hear Grandma Nancy is gone, too.

    Love, Grandma Sid
