Thursday, June 24, 2010

We are moving tomorrow.

That's why I haven't been blogging or emailing or even turning on the computer. I am busy, my friends. But I have some things to tell you.

First, and most important, did I tell you about the obviously pregnant lady I observed smoking outside the hospital entrance a couple of weeks ago??? (We walk by the hospital on our way to preschool.) I was so shocked that I leaned over and said to Tommy, "do you see that pregnant lady smoking?" I'm not sure how he responded -- I'm not sure he knows what smoking is, exactly. Anyway, I saw the same thing yesterday except the woman was across the street from the hospital. And as I told Eli, I can't be sure it wasn't the same woman because I didn't really look at her face either time. Just her belly and her cigarette. One point for the Americans (who at least smoke secretly if they are pregnant).

Second, and actually most important, HAPPY BIRTHDAY GRANDMA SID!! Tommy called her on Skype and sang Happy Birthday, but he did it in his silly (weird) voice. Last night in the bath he looked up at me and said, "how old is Grandma Sid?" So we know he actually was thinking of her all day long.

Third, have I mentioned that I'm sad about leaving the communal garden and all our friends in it ? We've had such a good time there. And it's so lovely. Luckily, Tommy will remain friends with little Leon (there's an accent over that "e", but I don't know how to make it) and we will surely come back and play here. Leon's mom had a baby last week -- a little boy named Julian. He's cute but the hot weather is hard for him. The hot weather has also been hard for a little girl baby you are all familiar with. She must have screamed for an entire hour in her buggy yesterday over the course of all our walking -- not understanding that she was just making herself hotter.

Finally, wish us luck this weekend. We are moving into our house before our stuff arrives on Monday. We have a mattress being delivered for Tommy and all his bedding, and we bought an aerobed and bedding at Peter Jones last weekend which will also be delivered tomorrow to the house, and for Lizzie we are borrowing a pack-n-play from Karalee. Otherwise, I have ordered groceries to be delivered tomorrow. No other furniture. Doesn't that sound like fun? If this place weren't so expensive, we wouldn't do it, but it is. So we are. Eli thinks we can convince Tommy that it's fun. I think Tommy might be a little cleverer than that.

Oh, and one more thing: Eli has warned me that we won't have internet access for a while at the new house. So I imagine I will get behind on the blogging (especially as I will need to work when I do get internet access -- why did I agree to do this project, again?). Sorry, and don't give up on me, I will be back. And if something really interesting happens, I'll do the post from my phone but there will likely be typos which would be embarrassing. xox

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