Saturday, September 18, 2010

Happy Weekend.

Hi everybody. We are plugging along. Tommy finished his first full week of preschool (nursery, as we call it here) yesterday. I talked with Miss Alma at pick up and she commented again on his energy level, and also assured me that he is making friends. She said he is a leader and that even older kids want to do whatever he is doing, and that he's extremely confident. I had been a tiny bit nervous that he didn't seem to be connecting with any of the other kids. Miss Alma also reminded me that it had been less than two weeks... I wonder if it's harder to teach the kids or manage the (neurotic) parents when you're a preschool teacher? Anyway, Tommy spent lots of time in the garden yesterday morning, and wanted to bring home a plastic bag full of weeds. So he did. During the first week, he brought home a picture, and now a bag of weeds. I know he's doing more art, because he often has paint in his hair, but he apparently doesn't care to bring it to me.

This morning Tommy told Eli that he lives in his house in Virginia with Ovie. We miss Ovie.

Tommy's first football class should have been on Wednesday afternoon, but I forgot to take him. Yikes. We went to the playground and I remembered about fifteen minutes before the class was supposed to end, when I noticed some other kids at their football class. Unfortunately, I was at least a 30 minute walk from the field.

We take the bus to preschool and on the bus, Lizzie stares at people until they pay attention to her and then she flirts with them. It's sweet. She likes to look out the window, too, but prefers to interact if possible. She is working REALLY hard on crawling. She's doing a pretty good job sleeping, but we are still rocking her to sleep, and need to just bite the bullet and sleep train her. Perhaps next weekend. This weekend, Eli has a lot of work to do, and sleep training and work are a bad combination. Lizzie discovered yesterday that she just loves pancakes and if you hold one in your hand and don't give it to her, she wails.

Have I commented on our library yet? It's in a pretty old building and it's huge. There are loads of fairly new computers, tons of DVDs (you have to pay 1.50 to rent them for four days), CDs (also a small fee, I think), and of course books. You can recycle batteries there, and also pick up recycling sacks (for your household recycling) if you run out. There is a huge room for kids, and the doors close so you don't have to shush them. And it's less than two blocks from our house. I think we could spend lots of afternoons there once the weather gets bad.

Have a great weekend!

A couple of photos --

Here's Lizzie in her cupcake hat from Aunt Jan & Aunt Jean, getting ready to go for a run:

Tommy at one of London's crazy adventure playgrounds (he's very high, but also very good at climbing):

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