Tuesday, September 14, 2010

"My name is Brettandy"

Yesterday after looking at pictures, Tommy announced that his name is "Brettandy." Can any of you guess who was in the pictures? These days he normally goes by "Dozie Ix." Good ol' Doz is a fixer who has a backhoe that goes into outerspace. Typically, after he gets home from outerspace, he digs for a while before eating dinner. He has lots of kittens, five parrots and he used to have two dogs, but yesterday they "deaded." Don't worry, nothing to be sad about apparently (?!).

When I picked him up this afternoon from school, his teacher said, "I don't know how you keep up with him." (As a side note, I do think it's good that he's my first child, because I don't have anything to compare his energy level to.) She said they adore him, but that he is very busy. I figure we are getting our money's worth.

Lizzie is NINE MONTHS OLD TODAY. She is pulling up on things, especially her baskets of toys, and she has some method of moving as well. I'm not sure what it is; I just know she isn't usually where I left her anymore. (My poor second child.) She is mostly busy being totally adorable all the time. She loves bread and makes the biggest messes when we give it to her. She loves her little baby Montessori class and laughs a lot during the singing parts. She is awake now, so I have to go get her. Sorry for the incomplete post...


  1. Keep Lizzie away from the carbs already! She's fine being slightly underweight and just needs to "maintain" through her first baby, when she'll have the excuse to go for it. :)

    This isn't Andy, by the way. It's Duzie Io, Dozie Ix's bitchy gay distant relation. I have a dump truck and I go underground (caves, fissures, deepwater trenches, etc.). Typically after I get home from underground, I fill holes before visiting the bathroom to lose my lunch (have to maintain). I have lots of pit bulls, five crows, and used to have two cats, but they went "unalive". Nothing to be sad about, it was their time.

    Send my love to Dozie Ix and the little Lizbo.

  2. Eric's sister called her second the starfish at Lizzie's stage. You rarely actually see them move, but clearly they do. Actually, I've seen starfish move, and grab my sampling equipment, and wrestle with me about my getting it back. But that parallel stage comes later - right about where Margaret is now...
