Tuesday, September 07, 2010

A few pictures:

Tommy preparing to go to college and the space station:

We had a talk about college being when he will move away from me and Daddy and now college is something of an obsession. The space station is from Curious George.

Lizzie just being cute:

This is what jetlag looks like:

We went to Lizzie's first Montessori class this morning. She just goes for 50 minutes on Tuesdays, and normally her big brother won't come along. But, he starts school tomorrow, so he didn't have anywhere to be except with us. He was a good boy, and Lizzie enjoyed the songs and the big basket full of random objects that she was free to suck on (each baby gets their own basket, and the toys are cleaned each class). One of my friends from the garden is in the class with her baby. And speaking of the garden, we're going back to the garden to play with Leon after naptime...

I hope you all had happy Labor Day weekends.

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