Monday, August 30, 2010


Tommy's all adjusted to being back in London. But he has discovered his imagination, so it's almost like having a different child. Last night, I mentioned that he seemed cross and asked why. He said, "there's a monster." I said, "really?" And he said, "yes, it's out on the roof. It's not a scary monster, it's a nice monster, but it's making me really cross." Oh, well that explains everything. We have multiple conversations like this every day.

Lizzie is having a harder time with the adjustment. But, she feels good enough to practice pulling herself up! Still no teeth and no movement toward crawling. She had a doctor's appointment on Friday and dropped from the 10th percentile to the 9th percentile. The pediatrician isn't worried and I'm not either, but I wish she would eat a little bit more. Tonight she had a piece of garlic bread (and really did eat most of it), so she's on the right track.

We've had a nice weekend. On Saturday we went out to look at wallbeds, but the showroom was closed and we ended up just having lunch. Sunday, we did tons of shopping for the house but didn't get any of the things we needed. And at this point, we are tired of having a house that isn't all set up. Finally, today (a bank holiday!) we went to Regent's Park. There is a fun playground in there and it's pretty easy to get there on the tube. Tommy rode his pink scooter all over which was helpful.

OH! The big exciting news -- and I do mean big -- is that we bought a grill. It's HUGE. Eli's been making delicious dinners on there every night. We had pizza the first night, grilled chicken and vegetables the second, and tapas tonight.

I know, no pictures yet, and I'm sorry. Soon.

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