Wednesday, August 25, 2010

We made it.

It's 11:30pm and I'm sitting in our living room with Lizzie who is playing.

We arrived about 12 hours ago. The flight was perfect. Lizzie slept the whole way, with minimal nursing, and Tommy slept about two of the 8 1/2 hours, but he was very good. Tommy is clearly his father's child, as he can skip a night's sleep and still be in a wonderful mood. Our televisions didn't work properly and turned off about every five minutes, so Tommy learned how to turn on "Olivia" all by himself. Once, I woke up and saw him watching sports, but otherwise he did it all by himself. Anyway, it was the best-case scenario, and don't think that I'll count on such good behavior ever again. I know I was LUCKY, as the immigration woman reminded me.

We had such a nice trip, and I promise to post some photos and stories at some point. Tommy got to ride on Robie Pruden's tractor which was fitted like a backhoe, and he got to dig with it. He couldn't believe how lucky he was and kept looking at me with an incredulous expression. We also got to see his friend Margaret's farm, which has chickens and geese and ducks and pigs and sheep as well as all manner of vegetables. My favorite part was the blackberries. It was lots of fun. Anyway, more stories and photos, and house photos will come soon, too, as Eli got lots of work done while we were gone and we're getting close to being photo-ready.

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