Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Back to London...

So this post is out of order, but I've gotten a few emails today asking about our trip home. We left Seattle on Sunday at about 7pm. The flight was great -- both kids slept fairly well, the flight attendants were really helpful and nice, and the flight itself was smoother and nicer than our flight to Seattle. We arrived in London at 11:30am on Monday and while we all felt pretty horrible on Monday, the afternoon was really sunny and nice and we played outside. The kids were in horrible shape and were in bed by 6:30.

Lizzie was up again from 11:30-1:30, and Tommy was up from 1-3:30. I woke Lizzie up at 9:30; it's 10 now and Tommy is still sleeping. I'm hoping we're back on schedule sometime this weekend.

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