Friday, April 29, 2011

I didn't love, love, love the dress...

I mean, it's pretty and all, just not quite what I hoped for. I read that the hips were padded, and my question to you is: why? I did like the tiara, and read that it's Cartier, on loan from the queen, of course.

(Isn't Kate just so sweet? I was actually tearful while she walked down the aisle because she was so emotional.)

Tommy woke us up this morning and since Eli was up with Lizzie for two hours last night, Tommy and I came down at 7:30 and started watching television. Until 10:15, the most exciting thing we saw was the Beckhams waiting in line, sort of like normal people, to get into Westminster. I don't think Tommy is as excited by the experience as I was by Lady Di's wedding back in 1981, but I suppose he's not as old as I was. (He does like princesses, however.)

Did anyone else get the urge to attend an event at which one must wear a hat?

Tommy claims to be excited for the kiss, which is still 25-30 minutes away, but he's fallen asleep on the couch and may miss it. (Seriously, the jet lag is killing us.)

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