Monday, May 16, 2011


I had a great weekend in Budapest. We went to the opera, and I loved it, though by the time Manon finally died, I was ready. Hanh also arranged for us to go to a cooking school. We got there, had a glass of wine, and then went into the kitchen with one of Hungary's famous chefs and cooked dinner according to his translated instructions. It was inefficient but fun and we ate decent food. The trip was also nice because the purpose was to take lots of baby stuff to Hanh and now it's out of our house, right in time for me to start spring cleaning. Another highlight for me is that Hanh lives right near an island in the middle of the Danube that has a four mile running path around it. The weather was beautiful and I felt so fast, running without a stroller!

A lovely weekend that allowed me to escape from (1) my children and (2) the emotional turmoil of the job stuff. And, of course, gave me hours of time to chat with Hanh. We never run out of things to talk about.

(I did not take even one picture.)

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