Thursday, May 12, 2011


So things around here are a bit nuts. Tomorrow, I fly to Budapest to visit Hanh. This is the first time I will leave Lizzie, and it's feeling fine though I am going to miss my sweet little family a lot.

The other big news is that I have started the interview process for a job. It all happened sort of randomly, but on Monday night an old partner I worked for asked for my resume, on Tuesday, I was called for an interview and on Wednesday at 10:00, I went in for an interview. I have to meet a couple of other partners next Friday, but if all goes well, I may have a job.

It is making me totally sick to my stomach.

I'd planned to start looking for a job in September and this is feeling much too fast. I asked to start in September, but I think they will want me to start sooner -- and I also asked for an 80% schedule.

BUT, I remember how happy I was when I went back to work after Tommy was born and have to hope that this will be a similar experience.

Aren't you glad you don't live here with me? My stress level is totally worrying my poor husband.

Coming next week: a post with pictures, I promise. I might even have some cute ones.

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