Tuesday, August 09, 2011

Riots, Liz Lemon, and Inside the Actor's Studio

Many of you have been asking me about the riots. Until today, there had been no rioting in Fulham, but I just received a text message from our gym that it will close early today due to events in the area. I have no idea what that means, but I asked Mandy to be careful if she takes the kids out. We'll see. All I know is that I'm not going to the gym tonight and I'm irritated.

Do any of you ever find yourselves at work, laughing at something Liz Lemon said on the episode of 30 Rock you watched the night before? It's getting a little embarrassing. And I'm not sure the British think Liz Lemon is quite as funny as I do.

One final random thought. I really love "Inside the Actor's Studio." I love James Lipton (have you seen the episode where he is interviewed on the show by Dave Chappelle?) -- he's such a good sport, especially when he gets the crazy folks on there. But the best part of the show is deciding which actors I actually like. For example, I used to love Sarah Jessica Parker, but in her interview she was uninteresting and a little bit dumb-sounding. (And I should interject here that since moving to London, two people have asked me if I've ever been told that I look like Sarah Jessica Parker? And then they quickly say, "I mean that in a good way!" Which is my favorite part of the exchange, so now I wait for it.) But last night, we saw part of Jodie Foster and all of Jennifer Aniston and I was relatively impressed by both. We need to clarify that I'm not at all interested in what they have to say about the actual acting process (that's why Laura Linney was a bit boring -- she also seemed sort of snotty to me), just in their childhoods, education, and funny stories that I have no other way of knowing and I especially like the funny stories that involve other famous people. Eli pretends he doesn't like "Inside the Actor's Studio", but he actually does.

Finally, poor Tommy woke up at nine pm last night, vomited up everything he'd eaten during the day, and then slept through the night. He seems a bit less energetic than normal, but is otherwise okay. Cross your fingers that he's tip-top on Saturday for our trip.

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