Friday, August 05, 2011

What's new, you ask?

Well, mostly, we're dealing with hand, foot and mouth. It all began on Wednesday night, when Tommy woke up at nine and didn't go back to sleep until two. I noticed that his feet had a bunch of bumps on them -- sort of like bug bites -- and couldn't understand why he would have something like that only on his feet. So, and remember, it was late and I was tired, I decided that he must have walked in something that (severely) irritated his feet. Had I been a bit more with it, I might have considered the fact that he seemed to feel awful in addition to the bumps.

(And let's pause here to explain that when one googles "foot rash" one does not get any links to hand, foot and mouth. Friends, one gets links to articles about athlete's foot. Perhaps a search for "foot rash young child" may have turned up something helpful, but I lack attention to detail once it's, say, ten pm.)

The next morning, he still had the bumps, but he seemed okay, though -- and this is where I failed to put things together -- he said he had a sore throat. But I also had a sore throat -- sometimes that happens when I've slept just four hours -- and so I thought we were all coming down with a cold.

Also on Thursday morning, he said that it hurt in his mouth and pointed to what I assumed was a canker sore.

I am such an idiot, really.

He woke up this morning and the bumps had blistered and I still took him to swimming lessons because I am such an idiot.

Finally, as I was drying him off, I thought: ohmigod my kids have hand, foot and mouth.

Oh, did I not tell you about the two blisters on Lizzie's right foot which I attributed to sweaty feet in crocs even though that has never happened to her before?

I know, I know. Idiot. I called Eli on our walk home because we were due to have a playdate and when Eli, after about forty-five seconds (while he consulted the above website) sighed and said I'd better call the pediatrician, I knew we were in trouble.

(Another pause: our pediatrician is on vacation until August 18.)

So, I think Tommy is through the worst of it but that Lizzie might still have a sleepless night in her future (please no).

The good news: (1) it happened this week, instead of next week when we're supposed to go to the US, (2) it only lasts 7-10 days, and (3) adults rarely get it.

The bad news: I am an idiot.

Have a great weekend.

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