Friday, November 25, 2011

(I wrote this yesterday)

It's just about 6pm on Thanksgiving day and I'm going to leave work now (about an hour early).  To celebrate of course.  Eli has informed me that he will need to work tonight and would prefer to do something simple for dinner, and so I kindly offered to make scrambled eggs with vegetables from our farmers market box.  He has not responded, which I interpret as a "well, maybe I will cook after all." 

It's our second missed Thanksgiving and while I can't say I miss the self-loathing that accompanies an afternoon during which 3000 calories are consumed, I can (and do!) say that it sure makes me feel far away.  We miss you all and of course are very thankful for you (even those of you who read my blog who I don't know about, perhaps especially those). 

1 comment:

  1. Margaret spent a good deal of time looking at the blog photos of Tommy and Lizzie on Thanksgiving. She especially enjoyed the lego tree and cast photos. She requests that we skype soon. Internet @ the new place Friday so perhaps it can be arranged!
