Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Mouse update and life lately

So.  First, the mouse because I know you are dying to know.  

We have not had any mice in our traps (two of which are the killing variety; one of which is humane but must be because it's easy for small people to access).  I still stomp around when I walk down the hallway into the kitchen so that he gets out of my way.

The property manager suggested we purchase a device that plugs into the wall and emits a noise that is unbearable to mice and rats but not audible to humans.  (The website recommends sending your pet hamsters and guinea pigs to live with friends if you choose to use the device.)  We should receive it tomorrow.  

Of course, as my husband pointed out, I likely won't be satisfied until we have a dead mouse in a trap. Which is horrible, as there is no proof that the hypothetical dead mouse is the mouse who so offended me by scurrying across the kitchen floor.  Neither is a hypothetical dead mouse proof that there are no further mice in the closet, cozying up with the water heater. 

Every morning I tell Eli that we must go into the closet and plug up any and all holes, but we have thus far failed to do it because we both have colds and don't feel well and are unmotivated to do much after work, and because I am scared.


Here are cute ones of the kids (taken by E of course):

 And, our outing to the glorious St. Pancras station to see the lego Christmas tree:

(I love that you can see Tommy's green underwear coming out of the top of his trousers in this picture.  He's just such a little kid now.)

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