Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Stay tuned -- the first instalment in the Easter Bonnet Saga

I receive e-mails from Eridge House each Thursday afternoon and when I'm lucky, they require no action on my part.  When I'm unlucky, they contain a task (see, for example, my post on Flat Stanley). 

Last week's e-mail informed all the parents that the Easter parade would begin promptly at 11, and remember, the e-mail warned, the parents and child are responsible for the child's Easter bonnet. 

What, I wondered, does an Easter bonnet for a boy look like? 

A google search provided images of little boys in hats fashioned to look like nests with chicks in them.  And visors, with chicks and flowers glued on. 

This was so baffling to me that I willfully ignored the whole thing until Sunday, when I asked Sid to look for some supplies at the pound store. 

She didn't find anything, so we three adults reconvened last night to discuss the next place to look for the necessary supplies.  Luckily, we had a big cardboard box and it occurred to me that we might just use it to make a crown?  And then glue some tissue paper on it to make it semi-Easter colored? And perhaps stick some decorations on it? Chicks? Eggs?  Jewels, Tommy demanded this morning when I floated my idea. 

So, Sid went to M&S, and found tissue paper and sequins.  Hey, maybe not typical, but we are AMERICANS to whom the traditions of (1) Easter parades and (2) Easter bonnets and (3) Easter bonnets for boys are brand new. 

Sid, Tommy and Lizzie made the bonnet/crown this afternoon.  I just spoke with Sid and asked her how it all went.  She said that she wasn't sure I'd approve of Tommy's addition to his Easter bonnet. 

What is it? I asked. 

A sword.  She said.  He's made himself a matching sword. 

Well, I said, they may not let him carry that in the parade.  (But I understand why he wants it, given the whole Easter bonnet thing.)

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