Thursday, April 12, 2012

Five, Part 1: Legoland

Well, Eli and I have a five-year-old.  I knew it would happen but I didn't think it would happen so quickly.  (Yes, I sound like my mother.)

Tommy had a great day yesterday.  He woke up quite early, and I presented him with bubble gum to occupy him until Lulu woke up and he could open his gifts.  He chewed the gum for about thirty seconds and then admitted that he had swallowed it.  (This happened two other times during the day, so if it's true what they say about gum staying in your stomach, he's got a decent sized ball of gum in his.  Note to friends with children:  push the gum chewing age a bit later if possible.)

When Lulu woke up, we went downstairs to a huge pile of gifts.  He tore through them quickly, and then opened up all the boxes to begin playing Playmobil and Lego.

But we were in a hurry because we wanted to get to Legoland when it opened, so our first bump in the day occurred when Tommy realized that he couldn't actually play with all his new toys.  We put a few things in a bag and set off.

The trip to Legoland is not too far, but it took a combination of the tube, two trains, and a bus.  We were all happy to be there when we arrived, and walking in and seeing huge dinosaurs of lego made all of us very happy and excited (okay, maybe not me, but the rest of them were thrilled).  Then, because we had never been to legoland before, we went to see all the cities made of lego.  Eli liked it best.  

Here are some photos -- pictures of the rest of the day will follow in another post (I hope).

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