Saturday, April 07, 2012

Tommy's Story (because I've been typing away and ignoring him)

It's about Harry Potter.

Jeff ran away from the dragon.  And then a knight came to rescue Jeff.  Then a witch came and didn't let Jeff go.  And then the witch is a goblin from Harry Potter and then he tries to beat the witch-goblin.  Then the knight helped Harry Potter.  And then they were two friends.  The end.

And here's a funny story about a conversation I had with Tommy this morning.
We were discussing school and how many grades there are (all the way to twelve??), and I said that he might decide to go to college when he finished with twelfth grade.  He said, "I didn't decide" by which he meant that he was not going to go.  I said I thought he would go because it's really fun.  He asked how come? And I said it's the first time you get to choose the things you want to learn about.  To which he replied cheerfully and enthusiastically, "lots of playtime??"

1 comment:

  1. Between me being in school and driving by UPS every day Margaret is familiar with the idea of college and goes to PIECES whenever we suggest she might go someday. Tears, sobbing, and emphatic "but I don't NEED to go to college because I have already been ELEVEN TIMES". Eleven is, for some reason we have yet to determine, a significant number for her. It's actually quite funny, but I am trying not to bring it up in case she develops a complex...
