Sunday, April 01, 2012

Some cute ones of the Lula

(I know I have another child but my perhaps my iPhone forgot?)

As I type this post, Lulu is in her bed yelling for her daddy -- she doesn't want to go to sleep and she knows he's more likely to come than I am.  (And in this situation, one might consider this laziness rather than discipline.)

We had a fun and busy weekend which was good because we all woke up feeling sad that Grandma Sid had left.  On Saturday we got the house in order and went to swimming lessons ("wee-ming") and then we made pesto (Tommy's choice).  And today we had Eli's boss and his lovely wife over for brunch and I honestly don't know who enjoyed it more: Eli & me or TOMMY.  Actually, I do know. It was Tommy.  I am not kidding, they played lego with him for two hours.  Then, we all went to Bishop's Park to discover that the newly renovated playground is open.  Lulu got run down by a scooter but Eli just picked her up and brushed her off and she barely cried.

Sometimes I can't believe how boring I am.  May I take a moment to thank you for reading?

Happy week!  Here in London, we are working toward a four day weekend.  Two holidays is way better than a big rabbit coming to your house at night, don't you think?

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