Wednesday, April 25, 2012


It rained all day long today.  I overheard on my way to work three separate conversations about the fact that May is meant to be the worst May on record in a century.  When I look at the weather on my phone, it shows rain every single day. 

And, today was Miss Lulu's first day of preschool.  So I first walked Tommy to school, and then returned to get Lulu and Mandy and go to Paint Pots.  From Paint Pots, I took a bus to the Tube and then the Tube into work. 

So I did what any smart person would do.  I wore my rain boots.  Here, they are called wellies, and mine are navy blue with bright pink trim and small white polka dots.  I bought them from J Crew on sale for $25 about five years ago.  And they work.  My feet stay dry.  I like that. 

Imagine my surprise when more people commented on my "wellies" than about the weather forecast for May.  It began with parents at Tommy's school and stretched into every single person I saw at work before I could get into my office and kick them off my feet!  Even the security guard who stands at the door all day said (with a smile to his credit), "I see you've come prepared!" 

Why, yes, I have, thank you. 

Is this not the land of "wellies"?  Don't we all wear them? Why is this comment worthy? 

1 comment:

  1. Somehow in my most recent move I lost my Wellies, which I purchased in Scotland back in 1996 for a "Caving Society" expedition. Those green boots kept my toes dry (or at least protected) through years of wet, nasty, mucky field, garden, and farm work. They cost 11 quid and I loved them - my new cowboy-style rainboots from the farm store are cute, but far less sentimental (and also not particular comfy...).
