Saturday, May 26, 2012

On how the lovely weather is killing us

It is 6:08 am.  Eli and I went out for dinner last night and while we were not out late by our pre-kid standards, we did not go to bed until after midnight.

I am currently watching my second episode of "Charlie and Lola" with my daughter, Elizabeth.

It has been hot here, and when it is hot, the upstairs gets a bit uncomfortable sometimes.

But we have fans, and we have figured out how to keep it nice up there and right now it is perfectly pleasant.

We all have a bit of a cold, and Lulu has developed a cough that was bothering her this morning, but that can only have a role in this morning's 5:00 am wake up; not the four previous mornings this has happened.

And right now I'm so tired my eyes are burning.  We have gone through phases of this in the past, I think because our house is very light as well as warm, and I have always survived. (The key is that you must pass out on the couch around nine.  Otherwise, the sleep deprivation really kicks in and you become very c-r-o-s-s, as Tommy would say (but that's another post).)

On top of that, we have to pack because we are going to Florida for Andy and Katherine's wedding (yay!) on Thursday and I am very busy at work and cannot be sure that I will be home enough to pack us up this week.  You guys.  Packing for a trip with kids is just so completely different to packing for a trip with just yourself.  It takes so much longer than I ever give myself time for.

So yeah, when my co-workers ask me about my weekend tomorrow, I'll probably say something like, "well, you know, it was alright.  We couldn't go anywhere because we had to pack and our kids woke up so early we felt like zombies all day, but I guess it was nice to have the sunshine."

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