Saturday, May 26, 2012

What Tommy knows.

We had a huge breakthrough last night.  At bed time, Tommy picked out a book at he read it to me.  He was so proud that he then marched into Lulu's room and read it to her and Eli.  We didn't help him with any words (though, to be fair, it was definitely a book for new readers).

I did not cry but I did jump up and down and his sweet little proud smile was just so amazing.

The other adorable thing he does - constantly - is spell words.  So, as we walked to school on Friday, I asked if he could have any kind of b-a-n-d a-i-d-s,* which kind would he like and he replied, "s-p-i-d-r-m-a-n." (I know, he missed an e, but give him a break.)  And if there are no Spidey, I asked? He said, "c-a-r-s-t-o."

Here's a video, sort of:

* I am purchasing them each a box of band aids for the flight.  You can call it wasteful, but I bet you that an entire box of band aids in Lulu's hands (she's getting D-o-r-a) will mean that Eli and I can read for an entire hour.

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