Tuesday, June 19, 2012

I'm back again

This morning was one of those infuriating mornings that you have when you are part of a family and people need to be places other than your house.  This is not a work-at-home vs work-out-of-home issue -- I had these mornings when I was home with my kids and I still have them now.

Today, Tommy needed to be dropped off at a park instead of at school.  He needed to have sunscreen applied.  He needed a bottle of water. All this on top of the normal morning routine which roughly consists of breakfast, teeth brushing, face washing, clothes and shoes.

Most critical to this story, he needed all of these things and he needed me to fold him a paper airplane.  After 15 minutes of pestering me about the airplane, it became a dire need.

The first thing I must say is that he has a book with 28 different paper airplanes in it but he only ever wants a Space Dart.  My point to you is this:  if he only wants one type of airplane, ever, then you would think after watching me fold 50 of them and Eli fold 50 of them and Mandy fold 50 of them that he would be able to fold them himself.

The second thing I should admit is that I was running late this morning.  I went to the gym late, the cleaning lady came (so I had to tidy the house), I didn't know what I was going to wear, and I hadn't prepared my lunch the night before.  And we had to walk farther than normal to school.

I had to get ready for work, and so the kids followed me into my bedroom still calling for the space dart.  (Lulu was mostly asking for toast because she had rejected the first breakfast I offered to her.)

So.  Mandy arrived while I am blow-drying my hair.

And thank GOD, she sat down on my bedroom floor and folded the freaking space dart.

At which point Tommy changes course.  He realized that the space dart needed tape on some part of it, and so he started whining for tape.  And unless Mandy bought some today, we do not have any.

So I lost it, and spent the whole walk to the park explaining that he is a BIG BOY and needs to help in the mornings, not come up with his own agenda.


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