Monday, June 11, 2012

Oh dear god the jet lag

We landed in London on Sunday at noon, after sleeping somewhere between two (Eli) and six (me, the kids) hours en route.  We arrived home and talked all afternoon about our strategy for dealing with our children throughout the night but somehow, all the talk was wasted and we just put on a movie around six o'clock and then tossed Lulu into bed when she fell asleep shortly thereafter.

She was up and ready to go at midnight.  As Eli had to work this morning (I switched Friday for Monday this week, thank god), I carried her down to the couch, put on a 'Diego' and cut up an apple for her to eat (the only food they are technically permitted to eat in the living room).  Anyway, Tommy joined us after a while, and I just kept playing 'Diego.' (We have about ten of them and I have seen them all multiple times in the past week what with airplanes and jet lag.  I guess my only comment about that is I don't really understand what they love so much about 'Diego' but it does appear to be somewhat educational.  We have a serious TV detox coming up in this house.)

Finally at three I told them they had to go to bed and dumped Lulu in her crib without stories and fell asleep in Tommy's bed with him.  At seven Eli woke me up and I was disoriented as he was all dressed for work.  My question for the universe is this:  if one family member is going to have an easy time with jet lag (indeed, avoid it all together), why should it be the person best equipped to deal with horrible jet lag? The rest of us are far crankier when we're exhausted.

I know, this post is so interesting.

The cute part of the story (you knew I'd get there) is that I woke the kids up at 10 and around 11, Tommy looked at me and said, 'is it school today?' and I said 'well, for some kids, but not you.'  To which he replied, 'what kind of day is it? Is it sport day?' When I admitted that it was actually sport day, he ran up, put on his uniform and told me he 'must go to school, Mummy!'

So I took him.

Katherine's sister Charlotte found and gave to Tommy some sharks teeth one day at the beach -- and he marched into class holding them.  Thank goodness Miss Jo agreed to let Tommy show them all what he had brought immediately.


Here's a picture from the wedding.  I like how the rest of my family is looking in a different direction -- like there is one joke for everyone else (it likely included 'chicken butt', I'll be honest) but I need a special one off to the side to make me laugh.

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