Sunday, July 29, 2012

And the Ladies!

There are many fewer photos of the women which is just laziness on my part (uploading is taking a long time) because actually, we all loved this day a lot more than yesterday.

We saw them pass us on the way out and then watched the whole race (well, except for when BBC decided to show ping pong instead) and then made it back out to see them on the home stretch. 

I was so loud with cheering that it actually embarrassed Eli.  I was SO LOUD.  But I love them so bad.  And then I cried when the BBC lady spoke with Lizzie at the end.   

Here are the medalists:
 I'm sad that Eli missed Lizzie in this photo:
 The rest of them...


  1. This is one of the only events I've been able to catch on the TV so far. Lots of waiting and then an amazing sprint at the end. Fun that you were out there despite the rain.

  2. AND I am so sad they are not playing more ping pong here in the US. I would definitely watch that.
