Tuesday, July 03, 2012


Tommy loves fish.  When asked what he wants for dinner -- if he's in the mood to think about it and come up with an idea which is not all the time, not even close -- he will suggest fish.  And Sunday night, when he smelled it cooking, he said, "oh, great!  We're having fish!  I love fish!"  And then during dinner, he raved about it.

I was a child who refused fish, always.  Even when my dad went out and caught salmon, I wouldn't eat it.  I can't remember when I realized that grilled salmon with pesto on it was one of my favorite foods rather than one I detested.  Optimistically, I want to pinpoint that time as being in high school but it was more likely college.

Now, I have a five-year-old who gobbles up fish.  It's all I can do not to stare at him while he eats.  It's all I can do not to say to him, "whose kid are you, anyway?"   

(Lulu only eats fish in exchange for a cupcake.)

The fish:

 Salad for Eli and me:
 My ragamuffin daughter (and in the bowl are the kids' sweet potatoes -- if your kids eat salad please could you email me? I need tips):

1 comment:

  1. oh, enjoying reading back posts! Late to the game! We've had luck w/ E eating the salads that she makes. She loves the parts of salads and putting them altogether has had rewards. Also, making the dressing is pretty much the coolest thing ever! Have you checked out Dinner: A Love Story? (a blog i'm in love w/ but falling out of love w/ since they've published their book - a little too polished.) Nonetheless, great for salad ideas and how to get your kiddos to eat everything...

    Love the shirtless dinners!
