Thursday, July 05, 2012

Happy Fourth of July (yesterday)

So in honor of the Fourth yesterday, I hosted a national anthem sing-off in my office.  It happened throughout the day and commenced when my co-worker Peter came in and said,

"Is it the land of the free and the home of the brave, or the land of the brave and the home of the free?"

I just rolled my eyes.  So he said, "Can you sing 'God Save the Queen'?" 

So I did, you know I did.  By the end he was uncomfortable, that's how well I sang it. (Ha.)

Anyway, so then I fired off an email to Rebecca, the Kiwi who sits next door (I know, but I love email) and asked her for her afternoon availability so that she could perform "God Defend New Zealand" for me.  Her performance was remarkable because she did it like she was singing at a sporting event.  She said that makes sense because really that's all people do in New Zealand:  participate in and attend sporting events.  They are a tall people, which I think has something to do with this.  (An aside is that she was really confused when I said I feel that I am the same height as she is -- she's 5'9", but, I explained about how I've had a tall best friend for more than 20 years (!!!) and then she seemed, well, still confused.)

So then, the sweet French trainee with whom I work came into my office with a legitimate work question and was cajoled into performing the French National Anthem for me.  She did a nice job but when she got back to her office she sent me a link to her favorite version on youtube.

Finally, I sang "The Star Spangled Banner" for Peter and Rebecca who were amazed at its length.

Then we all attended the Firm "JULY 4th INDEPENDENCE DAY BBQ" which featured grilled food and American beer and wine.  It was not authentic in any way, but I appreciated the gesture.

Lizzie wore a red shirt with white bows on the shoulders (that is either from Molly or Maddy, thank you!) and navy leggings; Tommy wore his normal uniform with RED socks and as he shook his head teacher's hand in the morning, said, "Happy Fourth of July!"  I wore red, white and blue as well, but Eli refused.

I hope you all enjoyed fireworks for us!

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