Monday, July 09, 2012


We went to the Manor Farm this weekend.  Eli took lots of nice pictures and I have posted some of them below, so that all of you can get a sense of what 'glamping' is.  However, these photos fail to truly represent the weather.

Friends, it rained.  Hard, and often.  In some ways, glamping was miserable even if the cabin/tent things were "more watertight than our house" as the other dad we went with said.  But, it was very very fun to see Tommy and Lizzie hanging out with their friends, Harry and Amelia, and to get to know Harry and Amelia's parents better.  

The activity that is not represented in these photos was my favorite.  We walked through the farm's sheep pastures and wheat fields to get to the nearest village pub, and there we removed our wellies and ate lunch.

So to sum up for those of you considering a similar experience:  it was muddy, it was lots of work (not much less than camping, honestly), it was pricey, but the kids absolutely loved:

1.  The wheelbarrows to transport your luggage, firewood, etc (this is
mostly Tommy)
2.  The llama (Alfie -- he protects the chickens from foxes, who knew)
3.  The chickens (they are very friendly and cheeky as Tommy said)
4.  The piglets (four of them)
5.  The sheep (decidedly the least favorite animal)
6.  The mud
7.  Playing with their friends
8.  Digging
9.  The cupboard bed (see below)

 Alfie the llama:
 Cheeky chickens (chasing Tommy):

 Our candle chandelier:

 Our hot tub:

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