Friday, August 17, 2012

1989 to 2012

I must preface this post by explaining that this was not my original idea.  Indeed, it is on all kinds of blogs and also on 'Modern Family.'  But, when Mom and Dad started yammering on about a picture of the four of us, this popped into my head.  We didn't have much time this morning but thanks to my bossy personality and my family's willingness to indulge me, I offer you these.  I am VERY proud of this project, in part because I saw this one while visiting Grandma and staged this from memory (my hair was down until the last second when I realized that it likely was up in 1989).

PS:  Walter family, I am coming for you next.  Also, extended Kent family.
PPS:  My mother did all the work involved in getting these photos up on the blog.  All of it.


  1. I mean this in the least passive-aggressive way possible: I'm bummed that you were a few miles away and we didn't get to hang out. But I get it. Also, your expression in the 1989 photo is priceless. Also also, I read "State of Wonder" and pretty much couldn't shut up about it for four weeks. Loved it.

  2. Speaking of photos, how about you send me some of baby Sophia?
