Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Hello from Seattle

This week I'm in Seattle for the fastest trip ever, to see my sister and my grandma, before we move to Oman.  

We still do not know when we are actually moving but I am very calm about that and will tell you about my secret strategy for managing it:  I am in denial.  I mean, I've done some jobs -- I have cleaned out the kids' closets, I have cleaned out the kids' artwork (and recycled two huge bags of it -- without any guilt at all), I have cleaned out my closet and Eli's closet -- but I still have mountains of preparation to do before we move and so I decided to take a little vacation all by myself.  (Tommy was so sad not to come to Seattle.  He really wanted to see Gigi and Lakota.  No mention of his doting grandparents, thank you very much.)

As this is not a blog focused on much of anything at all, I want to give you all two book recommendations.  First, while in Florida in June, I read that Stephen King book called 11.22.63 and I really enjoyed it.  It has a little bit of everything in it, and it's really compelling and interesting.  So read it.  And right now I am only half way through but totally in love with State of Wonder by Ann Pachett.  

I have a lot more to say but it will have to wait.  I wanted you to know what I'm up to and why I'm not blogging much.  I wish I had a fun photo for you but one will come, I promise.

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