Thursday, August 09, 2012

Late for Work

Things are fully nuts around here right now.  I am crazy busy at work, but on vacation next week.  Tommy had a stomach flu yesterday (best part of this is that he's already much better so at least its quick), and the rest of us are waiting to get it (including poor Mandy).  And of course, we are trying to prepare for our next chapter.

So this is a short post.

My children spend a fair amount of time playing together -- and since Lulu doesn't quite like Lego yet, the games are usually role-playing.  On Tuesday morning, we all played "Christmas Eve" which is a fun number where we get out all the toys, put them in a pile, go to bed, and then wake up to all the presents (toys).  We added Christmas Eve dinner the second time we played on Tuesday morning, as well as a "Christmas cuddle".

But friends, tell me, what does it mean that this morning while I was getting ready to go, they traipsed around our bedroom in Eli's and my shoes, playing "late for work"?

Is that funny, or depressing?

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