Sunday, August 26, 2012

Lulu didn't nap today.

This was one of the times that it was the fault of her parents.

Consequently, tonight at dinner (Eli made lasagne) she was a freaking mess.

She sat in her chair alternately crying, picking at her toenail polish, and permitting me to put a bit of pasta into her mouth directly (only if it was visibly pasta and not sauce).

Eli looked over at her and said, "Lulu's in rough shape.  She's refusing to eat and focused only on beauty."

And I started laughing because honestly when your two-and-a-half year old is focusing on her 'polisss', what are you going to do?

(She gobbled up her strawberries and cream dessert, and obviously we know she can use the calories.)

1 comment:

  1. There are nights when it's all about the calories. Mealtimes are rough around here as well. I'm considering experimenting with a complete hiatus from enforcing table manners or eating requirements (other than you only get what's offered) just to re-set the constant nagging on my part and straight up defiance (often served with a blinding smile) on the part of my darling daughter.
