Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Random update.

Hello, friends.  It's raining here and has been for most of the day and indeed for most of the summer.  The bright side (ha) to this lovely little gift from Mother Nature is that it never really felt like summer -- so the fact that it's nearly over is far less depressing than it could be.  The downside is of course that I am likely Vitamin D deficient, as are my children and husband.

I think I'll move to the Middle East for some Vitamin D.

We still do not have a move date and as of today have arranged to have the kids attend their schools here for the month of September.  This is subject to reevaluation after Eli has a meeting tomorrow during which he will discuss our move date.  Of course, now that we've decided to send the kids to school, and now that the property company is showing our house daily, I wish we could stay for the term.  Who's been going on and on and on about move dates and certainty?  Nobody I know.

I sent off an angst-filled email to my husband concerning the move date/school issue and he replied:  "You are a complicated girl, Laura Kent."  Of course, this made me feel instantly better because he called me a GIRL.  On second thought, perhaps this is a situation analogous to the one wherein my grandmother calls her younger sister and her younger sister's husband "the kids" even though they are in their eighties?  (Except I'm not in my eighties.)

Tommy's still in the middle of something, but he had been sleeping better until last night when he was up three times.  I did not know about this until the morning when Eli mentioned it.  (And those two sentences right there are actually the definition if you look up "Best Husband EVER" in the dictionary.)  He's (that's Tommy, not Eli) been clingy when I go to work and a bit whiney and we're all just trying to get through it.  BUT, we stopped by the second hand charity shop on Sunday (it's the kids' favorite store which means that Eli and I are huge idiots for ever buying them any new toys), I bought him some books and he never even asked us to read them to him.  He just read them to himself.

Lulu isn't in the middle of anything except figuring out the limits of her control.  She's now hitting her brother with some regularity.  He only minds when he's tired, but STILL.  She's spending a bit more time on the naughty step as they call it over here.  (Yes, I've read those articles about how time outs are bad for kids and alienating and cripple their confidence.  No, I don't find them convincing.  Yes, I'll pay for my kids' therapy.)  This morning I put a dress on her that was so big (3T) that it was falling off her shoulder (you know, like the 80s) and she refused to change.  Other days, she wants to go outside in underwear and red sparkly shoes that are about three sizes too big for her.  She gets her fashion sense from me, of course.

I have some photos to post, but that won't likely happen until the weekend, and maybe even later as I expect to be at work for most of the weekend.  But, stick with me.  I'll be back. 

1 comment:

  1. We definitely use the "quiet step" in our house. Even more so now that we can enforce the "your time doesn't start until you quiet down" component of it. We've also started the "I'm sorry you are upset, but I don't want to hear your crying/whining/etc. Please go to your room and cry there until you are done and then come and talk with me about it" approach. I love that we've reached the age of (relative) reason!
