Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Garden Party

Sometimes I don't have time to write a proper, coherent post so I bombard my sweet readers with random stories that I want to remember and news I want to share.  I realize it has been a while since I've written something coherent but can I ask you to bear with me through one more post?

First, I have to tell you about our picnic in Vivian's garden on Sunday afternoon.  Vivian (a friend since 2007, and my go-to girlfriend in London) is one of those lucky Londoners who has a flat that opens onto a communal garden.  Her parents bought a house that opens onto the same garden a long time ago so she lives around the corner from them.  Of course I have no idea of the figures, but am absolutely certain that her parents' house was a phenomenally good investment.  Anyway.  So on Sunday, Vivian invited us over for a picnic.  It was SO nice of her and we had such a lovely time. Some of her other friends also came and we had fun meeting them. But there are two stories I have to tell you about the garden, in particular:

1.  The nice thing about communal gardens is that the kids run around and you know they can't get out.  You know they can't get out because even you can't get out without a key.  So the kids just kind of ran around and we looked for them every five or ten minutes.  There were some not-super-nice kids in the garden (I heard one eight-ish looking year old say to his brother, 'WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?'), but Tommy likes to play with anyone and everyone.  So the kids were running around and playing, and all of a sudden Eli and I looked up, and Tommy had his arms out, in front of Lizzie (with his back toward her) and was yelling, "DON'T YOU HURT MY LITTLE SISTER!"

2.  Vivian's friends brought their little boy who is 14 months old.  And do you know who was so so so sweet  to him? Tommy.  Tommy played with him and helped him stand up when he fell and offered him toys and just generally took care of him.  It was SO very sweet.  All the people kept commenting on how nice he was with the baby.

I also have some news for you all.  Our move to Muscat is postponed a bit.  Eli will likely go in November sometime, and the kids and I will stay in London until the end of this term.  If you want to come visit, come by mid-November so that we are still in our house.  We would love to have you.

It's Autumn.  Does anyone else feel stunned by this, or is this a symptom of living in London where we didn't really have a summer?

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