Saturday, September 22, 2012

So, Laura, take us inside an international move

So I mentioned that we're staying in London until December.  Both kids' schools now know that (the kids do not, but they can barely understand the concept of next week, so I think it won't really matter too much to them), my job knows that (though it has been somewhat confusing for everyone that I gave my notice and then retracted it), our landlord knows and has agreed to let us stay in our house.  The only significant outstanding detail is that Mandy may have a new job.  We of course want her to do the best thing for her and if she takes a new job, we will be happy for her and grateful for all that she's done for us.  I cannot imagine the last 14 months without her, and managing the next two and a half months without her is perhaps more daunting than a move to Muscat.

The kids have had physicals, and dental appointments, they've got new running shoes, and I'm preparing to have our carpets cleaned (the area rugs).  We have been selling stuff we don't want on gumtree (which is pretty much Craig's List), gathering outgrown kid clothes to give to the appropriate people, making lists of things we want to purchase here before we move to Muscat (but not making any actual purchases in case we are sent somewhere else!), and I've been pestering a very kind woman in Muscat each time I have a question.  I have quit the gym, quit our 'Mum's Club', and made lists of other notices we need to give when our move date is final.  We have applied to schools for Tommy in Muscat, and inquired about nursery schools for Lulu.  I have written a proposal for my continued employment (from Muscat).

And this is long before the real move parts:  visas, segregating all our stuff into luggage versus shipment (which of course we will not see for weeks), etc.


Do I realize that this post feels incomplete and totally random? Why, yes, I do, but that's how my brain feels at the moment.  You definitely get credit for reading, but also, I've posted a movie of Lulu. To incentivise you.

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